Congratulations to Chief Kohany
By Captain Matthew DiPrinzio
December 31, 2022

The Valhalla Fire Department would like to thank Chief Mickey Kohany for his time and dedication during his three years as Chief of the department. During those years the department has been through floods, snowstorms, and of course the pandemic. Throughout 2020 and 2021 Chief Kohany navigated the department through unprecedented times, keeping the membership safe and healthy while not sacrificing public safety. During his term Mickey has worked tirelessly, whether it be responding to calls, attending meetings, or taking on a new project.

Congratulations Mickey on a job well done!

Units: 2481

ARVID Y JOHANSON JR. December 31, 2022 at 12:39 PM
Congratulations Mickey join the ranks of the past chiefs. Enjoy looking back on what you have accomplished in your way up the ladder to chief.
65 years as a member of Valhalla Fire Department