Just after 9pm, VFD was dispatched to a reported structure fire in the Valhalla Park section of town. First arriving units located fire on the exterior of the building. Interior crews were met with a smoke condition on the second floor and then located fire in the attic space. A 10-75 was transmitted due to the extension into the attic. A line was stretched off Engine 84 which was used to knock down all visible fire in the attic. Exterior crews were able to secure a second line of E84 and knock down the exterior fire. Mutual aid companies from Fairview, North White Plains, Pleasantville, and Thornwood were able to assist with opening up and checking for any further extension. Once the scene was under control mutual aid companies were released. Once all hotspots were taking care of Valhalla units were placed back into service.
VFD would like to thank the Hawthorne and West Harrison Fire Departments for covering the district while this incident was ongoing